Your project has definitive goals with a set timeline and budget. That’s why you need real-world, cost-effective solutions to combat the everyday challenges you encounter. We understand your objectives, and our focus is to move forward efficiently and effectively delivering the ultimate expertise in environmental consulting.
Sapere offers a superior range of services that solve environmental issues quickly and professionally. We’ve built a solid reputation as expert biologists and regulatory specialists, and as innovative leaders in canine scent detection and camera trapping, among other methodologies.
Because our firm is based in California, we offer local expertise of the environmental climate and we have well-established relationships with regulatory agency staff so you can rely on a proven approach that delivers results.
Let us help you navigate the quagmire of environmental regulations, while providing support and guidance to get your projects completed on time and within budget.

Natural Resource Studies
Take advantage of Sapere’s biological consulting so you can realize success with your project. With an acute attention to detail, responsiveness, and on-the-ground implementation, our assessments have proven instrumental in identifying possible constraints and assuring that negative impacts, when detected, will be minimized and mitigated, if not avoided altogether.
We are professional scientists, specializing in areas including endangered species surveys, biological assessments, wetland delineations, regulatory permitting, and GIS mapping. We take a cooperative approach to agency interactions and we are well-versed in the biological regulatory issues likely to affect your project, so you can feel confident that you have a team with the requisite expertise, experience, and resources to provide you with guidance you can trust.
Natural Resource Studies
Biological Assessments/Biological Evaluations
CPUC Proponent’s Environmental Assessments (PEA)
Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)/Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Wetland Assessment and Delineation
Environmental Due Diligence
Habitat Assessments and Mapping
Rare Plant Surveys
Wildlife Surveys
Bat Surveys
Raptor & Nesting Bird Surveys
Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
Fisheries & Aquatic Resource Studies
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Studies
California Rapid assessment Method
Restoration and Mitigation Plans
Revegetation and Restoration Planning
Geographic Information Systems Analysis and Integration
Global Positioning System Mapping and Surveys
Public Involvement and Outreach
Bird Abatement Programs
Endangered & Threatened Species
California Red-Legged Frog
California Tiger Salamander
Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog
Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog
Alameda Whipsnake
Giant Garter Snake
San Francisco Garter Snake
Swainson's Hawk
Tricolored Blackbird
Salt-Marsh Harvest Mouse
San Joaquin Kit Fox
Special-Status Species
Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
Western Spadefoot Toad
Western Pond Turtle
Western Burrowing Owl
White-Tailed Kite
Raptors & Migratory Birds
San Francisco Dusky-Footed Woodrat
Townsend's Big-Eared Bat
...among others

Scent Detection Canines
Canine detection is a powerful tool for rapidly screening urban and rural environments for listed and special-status species, invasive plants and wildlife, archaeological resources, and is supported by formal quality assurance protocols. It is often used alongside conventional tests, mapping, and other techniques to maximize search accuracy and efficiency in a time- and cost-efficient way.
Sapere established the first Bay Area scent detection canine program in 2009 and has successfully conducted projects throughout California. Our dogs are trained to survey by detecting the scent of plants and wildlife or secondary signs such as scat, feathers, carcasses, seeds, and plant parts.
Our handlers are recognized leaders in their field with over 70 years of combined experience employing canines in areas of conservation and wildlife management, search and rescue, and law enforcement. We understand that effective canine work relies on experienced handlers with practical knowledge of the science of scent movement.

Construction Monitoring & Reporting
Experience greater foresight and fewer setbacks with our expert advisory. When environmental compliance and permits necessitate that construction be monitored, a thoughtful balance needs to be established between workers, regulatory agencies, and project owners to find the middle ground to align objectives and responsibilities.
At the same time, you need to identify and mitigate potential costly delays and disruptions as well as maintain environmental compliance and adherence to regulations.
At Sapere, we understand that a practical team approach, with open communication, serves both the project goals and the environment.
Our specialists understand the fluctuations within the engineering and construction industries and draw upon years of practice to provide cost-effective solutions to ensure environmental regulatory compliance while keeping your project on schedule.

Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Compliance with environmental regulations and project permitting can overwhelm you and potentially cause interruptions for your project. Environmental regulatory compliance requires certain activities to possess permits and for validated environmental licensing for the use of certain types of equipment.
Feel confident in meeting all compliance standards with complex regulatory requirements, negotiating and obtaining environmental permits, and developing systematic processes for quantitatively and qualitatively assessing the potential impacts of your projects. We fully understand that accurate and comprehensive documentation is essential to securing appropriate project approvals, and we have a proven record of working with you to make sure your project complies with each requirement according to local, state, and federal laws.
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Agency Consultation and Relations
Permitting Needs Assessments and Strategies
Permit Tracking and Agency Reporting
Joint Aquatic Resource Permits
California Coastal Act and Local Coastal Programs
Clean Water Act §404 Permits - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Clean Water Act §401 Certifications
Clean Water Act §402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
CDFW §1600 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements
CDFW §2081 Incidental Take Permit
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Section 7 Consultation
Permitting Needs Assessments and Strategies
Dewatering/Discharge Plans
Mitigation/Compensation Plans
Mitigation Monitoring Plans

Wildlife Connectivity & Camera Trapping Studies
Camera traps are used as an efficient method to insure continuous sampling and to work in difficult-to-access areas. They serve as a diverse way to study the landscape of an area, from animal behavior to fauna-flora interaction.
Sapere has been working with regulatory agencies and clients to develop new survey techniques using camera traps. We routinely employ camera traps to document the presence of a range of wildlife species, including many not normally captured by infrared camera traps such as the San Francisco garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) and Alameda whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus). Sapere Principal, Jerry Roe, co-developed and taught the first Camera Trap Workshop for The Wildlife Society in 2006 and has conducted numerous trainings for regulatory agency staff and wildlife professionals.
The Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists at Sapere Environmental utilize Global Positioning System (GPS) and GIS technologies to obtain, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial data in detailed exhibits. Sapere Environmental employs the use of ESRI ArcGIS, Trimble sub-meter GPS, and handheld GPS units to overlay data acquired in the field with topographic, transportation, environmental, hydrological, and other layers to promote a clear understanding of local and regional conditions. The exhibits serve as fundamental interpretations of positional information pertaining to the project site and its relation to the greater geographical zone. We provide GPS and GIS support for field data collection, wildlife movement, and corridor assessment mapping, remote sensing, special-status species distribution, and habitat suitability analyses, hydrological mapping, and construction planning.

Wildlife Exclusion Fencing
Wildlife exclusion fencing is an important factor in maintaining habitat connectivity for wildlife, providing an effective barrier, and reducing the risk of injury to animals.
As an authorized Northern California agent for Animex, Sapere offers a distinctive variety of temporary and permanent fencing products that provide unequaled exclusion solutions for your project as well as the specific species.
Animex wildlife fencing systems have been used to assist in reducing and eliminating stoppages and delays on various constructional projects for engineers, biological consultants, and government organizations.